When you place a search order, document icons will be displayed in the Documents Pane at the bottom of the Encompass Workspace. These icons will have a coloured status bar underneath to indicate the progress status of returning the document from the search to the workspace.
A green status bar indicates the document has been received from the authority AND has downloaded to the workspace successfully.
A yellow bar indicates the document is still downloading. Some searches can take up to 24 hours to be returned from the data authority. If you try and open the document while it is still waiting to be downloaded to the workspace, you will see a message saying "Document not available".
A red bar indicates the document has NOT been able to be downloaded to the workspace. If you try and open the document you will see a message saying "Document not available".
If you receive red status on a document icon, or find that your document is not still not available after period of waiting, then please contact our support desk on 1300 730 000.
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