The Banned and Disqualified Registers list people who have been disqualified from involvement in the management of a corporation, or banned from practicing in the financial services industry.
The following ASIC registers can be searched for Banned or Disqualified Persons.
- Disqualified Directors - Persons disqualified from managing corporations
- Banned Securities Representatives - Persons banned from giving investment advice
- Banned Futures Representatives - Persons banned from practising as a futures advisor
If there is no match found for a Banned or Disqualified Person an icon representing your search is linked to the Person.
This provides you with a useful visual record of the date that you completed the search, the result obtained and the cost incurred.
Disqualified Directors
Persons referring to this register should note carefully that it contains details only of those persons who are disqualified from managing corporations under the Corporations Act where ASIC receives express notice of the disqualification under the terms of that Act.
There are other circumstances in which a person may be disqualified from managing corporations, for example, where the person is an undischarged bankrupt or has been convicted of certain offences involving dishonesty. ASIC does not receive statutory notice of such disqualifications, and so they are not able to be recorded in this register.
You may also wish to conduct an AFSA Bankruptcy search to determine if a person is an undischarged bankrupt.
Banned Securities Representatives
The Banned Securities Representatives Register lists pre-AFS licences. The majority of people who gave investment advice pre-AFS were authorised representatives of licensed dealers or investment advisers.
If ASIC has banned an adviser or authorised representative from giving such investment advice, they will be listed on the Banned Securities Representatives Register.
Banned Futures Representatives
The Banned Futures Representatives register lists pre-AFS licences. The majority of people who gave investment advice were authorised representatives of licensed dealers or investment advisers.
If a futures adviser or authorised representative is banned by ASIC from practising as a futures adviser, they will be listed on our Banned Futures Representatives Register.
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