Merge/Unmerge options are available in the details panel of the Chart and Listviews of the workspace. There are often situations where data returned from different Information Providers cannot be identified as one and the same, and encompass cannot automatically merge the entities. encompass will therefore display a duplicate icon on the chart and where we suspect the entity is one and the same will indicate a possible match on the label linking the two entities. You can merge the entities using the Merge button in the Details panel or the Chart toolbar option under
In certain circumstances you may want to retain both entities in the Chart and remove the Link with the match label - please refer to the article - how to remove a match link.
1. Select the entities (hold down the CTRL key)
2. Open the Details
3. Click on the Merge button
encompass displays a form for you to select the properties to display on the merged entity. Click on the dropdown lists and select the values. You can also select no value (blank).
3. Click Merge
encompass merges the two entities into one and displays the properties as you selected in the Merge form.
Once you merge the entity, you will see the Manual Merge value updated to Yes in the details panel, and the button will change to Unmerge.
1. Select the merged entity
2. Open the Details panel
3. Click on the Unmerge button.
Encompass will separate the two entities.
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